Wednesday 4 August 2010

Couple marry dressed as superheroes

It's no Joker folks... Batman really has tied the knot with Wonder Woman.

Neil Vaughn, 46, and his bride Sharon, 40, popped on superhero outfits to say fly do at Britain's whackiest wedding.

Watching were Best Man Robin and guests dressed as comic book icons including Iron Man Superman and the Incredibles.

Businessman Neil said of the do in Paignton, Devon: "We're not particularly traditional."

Article taken from All content written by them.

Thursday 22 July 2010

Wedding sponsored by Bingo Club halted by the vicar

News story featured and writen on

A couple who won £5,000 towards the cost of their wedding in exchange for displaying an online Bingo Club logo at their nuptials have had to cancel their plans after the vicar marrying them refused to let the sponsored wedding go ahead.

The couple from Newcastle-upon-Lyne had planned to tie the knot in Ballater in Scotland where the bride has family connections. However the vicar who was due to perform the wedding ceremony, Rev Tony Watts, is refusing to allow the bingo company to display logos in his church or take photographs for advertising as he believes it will promote gambling.

28-year-old bride-to-be Suzanne Latta and her fiancĂ© Matt Brown, 37, beat off competition from hundreds of other couples to clinch the £5,000 prize. The national competition attracted widespread attention and is reported to be the first occasion in the UK where a company had officially attempted to sponsor a wedding in exchange for advertising.

In exchange for the £5,000 the competition winners were required to display the bingo company’s logo on the bride’s dress, suits, invitations, shoes, menus and even the place settings at the reception.

Ms Latta described feeling delighted after she and her husband-to-be were named as the winners of the Bingo Bride competition.

However following the decision from their vicar to ban the logo from his church, the couple will now have to go ahead with their marriage next month, with £5,000 less in their wedding budget.

Friday 4 June 2010

Newlyweds in Ferrari collision

A bride and groom had a rocky start to married life when they smashed the £130,000 Ferrari they'd hired to drive themselves to their reception.

The couple had cashed out £500 to rent the 180mph Testarossa for an hour so they could arrive at the bash in style at Treviso, northern Italy. A plan that went a little wrong. After going just a few yards in the supercar - which does 0-60 in under six seconds - the groom swerved off the road straight into a traffic light.

"They had to sign over a £20,000 insurance deposit on the car - and they probably won't be getting any change from it," said one police officer told the Mirror.

"Neither of them had been drinking but with a car this powerful a small mistake can become very costly," added the officer.

Insurance experts say that if it is possible to repair the damage caused by the crash, although it could be deemed a write off, it will cost in the region of £60,000. It’s almost certain the newlyweds will lose all of the deposit they handed over for the hire of their luxury wedding car.

Hire our wedding chauffeur’s service and you can avoid the issues these poor newlyweds have and still drive away in style.

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Tuesday 18 May 2010

Leicester Chauffeurs are chauffeuring at an international wedding!

Leicester Chauffeurs are chauffeuring today at a international wedding. The blushing bride’s from France and the lucky groom’s from Tanzania and their getting married in Leicester.
Leicester Chauffeurs wishes them both a very happy future together.